En el programa Smackdown! del día 26 de junio de 2020 se rindió tributo a The Undertaker, después de que en el último capítulo de su serie documental, Undertaker diera a entender que su combate contra AJ Styles de Wrestlemania 36 había sido su última pelea. Fue un combate con estilo cinematográfico llamado Boneyard Match.
Si esto fuera así, habría concluido la carrera de uno de los mejores luchadores de todos los tiempos, la cual comenzó en Survivor Series 1990 como El Enterrador. Aunque antes de debutar en WWE, Mark Callaway luchaba en otras empresas.
Undertaker ha tenido una carrera en el mundo del wrestling profesional que seguramente nadie podrá igualar. Cabe destacar su record de imbatibilidad en Wrestlemania, el cual perdería ante Brock lesnar, teniendo una estadística de 25 a 2.
A sus 55 años, Undertaker ha necesitado numerosas operaciones y deja un legado mítco en la historia del wrestling. En los últimos años ha estado barajando su retiro, aunque su respeto por el negocio y su pasión por el wrestling siempre le han hecho regresar.
No obstante, Undertaker tiene un contrato por 15 años más con WWE, pero esto no implica que tenga que luchar más combates.
WWE Survivor Series 2020 terminó con el segmento de despedida de Undertaker.
On the tv program Smackdown! on June 26, 2020, tribute was paid to The Undertaker, after in the last chapter of his documentary series, Undertaker hinted that his fight against AJ Styles of Wrestlemania 36 had been his last fight. It was a cinematic-style match called Boneyard Match.
If this were so, it would have concluded the career of one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, which began in Survivor Series 1990 as The Undertaker. Although before debuting in WWE, Mark Callaway wrestled at other companies.
Undertaker has had a career in the world of professional wrestling that surely no one can match. It is worth noting his unbeaten record at Wrestlemania, which he would lose to Brock lesnar, having a statistic of 25 to 2.
At 55, Undertaker has needed numerous operations and leaves a legendary legacy in the history of wrestling. In recent years he has been considering his retirement, although his respect for the business and his passion for wrestling have always brought him back.
However, Undertaker has a contract for 15 more years with WWE, but this does not imply that he has to wrestle more matches.
WWE Survivor Series 2020 ended with the Undertaker farewell segment.
(Undertaker en Raw, 8 de abril de 2019. Entre el público podemos observar la bandera de España de AWZ Wrestling mostrada por Big C.A)