Procedente de la isla de Malta, Gianni Valleta, ex futbolista y luchador de Ju-Jitsu es un enorme wrestler que ha combatido en Japón, Inglaterra, Italia, Portugal, Alemania, Estados Unidos, Suiza, Hungría, Holanda, Francia y China.
Además, tiene su propia Escuela de Wrestling en Malta. Ahora llega a España en AWZ Wrestling, dónde se reunen los mejores indie wrestlers del mundo.
Hailing from the island of Malta, Gianni Valleta, former footballer and Ju-Jitsu fighter is a huge wrestler who has wrestled in Japan, England, Italy, Portugal, Germany, United States, Switzerland, Hungary, Netherlands, France and China.
Also, he has his own Wrestling School in Malta. He now comes to Spain in AWZ Wrestling, where the best indie wrestlers in the world collide.